「人は人、私は私。」 [Mizuki Nana, Smile-Gang]

World of M is worth listening to this week.
水樹奈々のMの世界 #086 (2011,02,19) ゲスト:能登麻美子

For the second time in World of M history, Noto Mamiko appears as guest! Hearing the two of them squee-ing is cute. Nana-san refers to their time together on there as “rabu-rabu talk.” XD
Admittedly, I got a better laugh from the letters the listeners sent in. XDD

About Smile-Gang…

水樹奈々 スマイルギャング第464回【デジラジ音源】

Smile-Gang 464 – Don't get flustered. Never compare yourself to others

水樹奈々の自叙伝「深愛」 – 6万部突破 [Mizuki Nana, Smile-Gang]

Eh? It’s been 3 weeks since I last posted something? Hm… I guess that’d explain why my own LJ looks somewhat foreign. Haha… Anyway, yes, I am still alive. :3

First thing is first:
Mizuki Nana’s autobiography sales have reached over 60,000!
Source here.

I leave the interpretation of the numbers open. 😛

Now onto Smile-Gang.

水樹奈々 スマイルギャング第463回【デジラジ音源】

Smile-Gang 463 – Mainly talk of Billboards Japan Music Awards 2010